
I am an Englishwoman who has lived in America since my early twenties. After five years in Berkeley, California I settled in Maryland where I raised my family and worked as a librarian and library manager. For five years I submitted my Dispatches about life in America to The Dabbler. The Dabbler went on hiatus in 2015 but the Dispatches live on. On this independent site I expand the scope of my posts beyond the New World to memories of the Old World, the World of Books, and more. I promise this will be a cat video-free zone, but it is possible that a hedgehog may pop up occasionally. I invite readers who followed me on The Dabbler to join me here.

Rita Byrne Tull
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7 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Rita!
    Just stumbled upon all your hard work here!!!
    I grew up on the Mark’s Gate Estate also – with my Nanny & Grandad (who indeed did move from Bethnal Green) to Mark’s Gate in the early 60’s when Grandad got a job over at Ford in Dagenham. I also live in America, been here 40yrs & fly of all things for American Airlines. That’s one old Trolley Dolly!!! Hahaha And am still back & forth on the London runs through the Summers.
    They always say you can’t go back .. and so sadly no, I’ve never been back to my childhood home on Tantony Grove. We were at #26 opposite the park, where Parkie would keep us on the straight and narrow and would let my Nan know if I was out too late riding my bike or playing run outs over at the flats after dinner time. Makes me smile thinking of it all and although we were working class poor like everyone else on the Estate it was never anything we ever thought about and all I remember is a very happy loving childhood where everyone looked out for each other and everyone else’s kids!
    Sure it was a Council Estate with whatever connotations that carried later on – but as I’m sure you remember: the houses were neat the steps were swept, curtains and sheets constantly washed and out on the washing lines and everyone took pride in their gardens and small allotments.
    My Mum & Brother were on Padnall Road before they built up the extension that took away the fields where we played and scrumped apples over at the orchard that was over towards the bus stops on the Eastern Avenue. I will always be appreciative of my upbringing and certainly wouldn’t have changed a thing! This was a great walk down memory lane. Bless You!

    Constance Welinder


  2. I found this framed brass Rubbing of Sir John & Lady Joan de la Pole. The framing is perfect for this brass rubbing portrait. I’d assume it is a rare find, a collectable and worth a good price. Do you have any idea of it’s worth or how I can check on it’s authenticity? I’m leaving on a 28 day cruise March 17th, so if it’s possible, just answer when you have time , Thanks. I have it listed on eBay. Otherwise, I don’t know how to send the picture to you.


    1. Sorry, but I’m no expert on the value of brass rubbings. I looked at your eBay post and it seems other brass rubbings are similarly priced. I think it is a case of how much a buyer is willing to pay. I’ve never bought any; I just have the ones I did myself.


  3. Chanced upon your writing, when looking for anything about Slant, the journal. Recalled it from my time at Imperial, and the LSE. Happy days, when God and Christianity had me.


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